July 03, 2022
The Nefertiti Neck Lift, No Scalpel Needed

A well-defined jawline and sharp contours have long been a sign of beauty dating as far back as the ancient Egyptians. This new, highly advanced injection technique was named after Queen Nefertiti, whose bone structure continues to be envied and admired in modern times. Prior to this ingenious discovery, the only non-surgical options for neck rejuvenation were lasers and light based skin rejuvenation technology, which when used alone, can often fall short of patients’ expectations. The only tried and true neck options for patients unhappy with their aging neck were invasive and surgical e.g. a facelift, which is not on everyone’s anti-aging wish list.
The Nefertiti Lift is a fresh new take on Botox, the most popular anti-aging procedure worldwide. This cutting-edge non-surgical innovation is designed to rejuvenate a sagging jawline and improve definition by rebalancing the underlying muscles to lift the neck and jaw area. To understand how The Nefertiti lift works, you must first comprehend the relationship between opposing facial muscles. Facial muscles fall into 2 categories, elevators and depressors, which work synergistically to enable facial movements and create expression. The Nefertiti Neck Lift works by eliminating the depressor muscles that pull down the cheek, jaw, and neck. With age, as the skin begins to lose its natural suppleness and elasticity, the depressor muscles under the jaw tend to pull down the cheeks, leading to loss of jawline definition and flattened cheeks. By utilizing Botox or Dysport, neuro-toxins that temporarily inhibit the use of muscles, the large depressor muscles of the lower jaw and neck are treated reversing the balance of power, allowing the cheek elevators to act unopposed- the result is a more well-defined jawline, better cheek position, and a non-surgical neck lift.

When the angles of the jaw and neck are straight and better defined, it gives the face an unparalleled quality of youthfulness, as seen with the treatments namesake. The Nefertiti Lift delivers one of the most striking non-surgical changes, and when repeated every three to four months, keeps the jawline taut and well-defined at all times sans scalpel (Sorry Plastic Surgeons!). As with all Botox treatments, it takes about a week to take full effect, the results typically last 3-4 months.
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