Body Contouring

Radiofrequency body contouring treatments at 123 Beauty Lab in New York City sculpt, lift and tone problem areas of the body non-surgically and without any downtime.

Utilizing the power of Venus Legacy & Venus Freeze technologies, we deliver custom body contouring that can melt fat, tighten skin and snatch body contours. This cutting edge radiofrequency technology delivers Multipolar RF and Magnetic Pulse Therapy to the skin like a warm massage, producing a thermal heat matrix that causes collagen synthesis. RF body contouring creates supportive layers of collagen that act like Spanx for you skin. A few sessions will smooth the area and tighten and firm the skin to enhance the contour. Address problem areas of your body to improve your body shape in and out of clothing. Venus RF can restore your curves and enhance your contours.

Areas of the body that we target:
• Arms
• Abdomen
• Love Handles
• Upper Back 
• Buttocks
• Thighs
• Neck
Painless and without any downtime, the results are significantly visible. Regain elasticity.  Reduce stubborn fat pockets, reduce water retention, and the appearance of cellulite. Call our office today for a free consultation.