Skin Tightening

Venus Skin tightening facials are the best way to restore facial contours and lift the skin without any downtime. Our favorite face-firming treatment, Venus Freeze and Venus Legacy use radio frequency with a pulsed magnetic field to create a soothing heat matrix over the skin that works to tighten and firm the skin. Radiofrequency facials produce collagen an elastin to support and form the skin. A series of sessions will diminish fine lines & wrinkles, minimize pore size, define facial contours to enhance your cheek bones and jawline.

Features of the Venus RF facial include:
• Skin Tightening
• Wrinkle Reduction
• Anti-Aging
• Under-Eye wrinkles
• Firmer Jawline, Neck, and Area Below the Chin

Radiofrequency skin tightening facials are quick, painless, and have no downtime, this non-invasive treatment restores the lost definition in the face and neck, for an immediate and noticeably younger look. Reach out to our office today for a free consultation.